Thursday, November 1, 2007

Yard work simulator

Now its time for Brother N's Hasty Review!(Patent pending) where your host judges a game entirely on his very limited time with it.

Dynasty Warriors: Gundam
Huh? Ok I admit, I haven't ever picked up a Dynasty Warriors game before, and I pretty much skipped the intro (as soon as I saw the campy talky anime heads and a guy named 'Master Asia' I hammered the start button) but what the fuck am I doing here?
I'm a big robot, and other big robots charge at me, and slice them with my robot sword. Slice slice slice, robot robot robot. Repeat. And then repeat some more.

Call me paranoid, but I'm willing to bet that somewhere in Japan, a tiny robot gardener is being guided by my movements via satellite as he hacks the weeds in the garden of a wealthy Japanese family.

If you like endlessly chopping things, this could well be your game of the year.

-Brother N-

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