Another one? Holy crap, this thing just can't be stopped, even by today's modern stopping methods. This week we press down hard on Scene It: Box Office Smash, Fifty Cent: Blood on the Sand, Pixeljunk eden encore, Pure, the new left 4 dead survival pack and many many more!
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Rant Theory #9: Save it for a rainy day edition
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Cheers for all the support and spread the good word! We love you all!
Awww thats my moose :)
Another great Podcast guys, and if you haven't already, check out Plants VS Zombies, Tower Defense game given the Popcap "Digital Crack" treatment.
Looking forward to the next one!
Nathan tweeted about it today saying he really digs it. Im pretty keen to check it out myself so I might track down a mac demo.
Thanks for listening btw!
I've played Buzz on PS3 and compared to scene it, I'm sorry but it doesn't hold water.
Mainly because I found the rounds on Buzz way too short and the movie questions all too easy, with scene it I actually found the questions to be more challenging.
But hey, great work guys, keep it up :)
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