Rant Theory Podcast #13 Don't hate the player... Edition
It's the baker's dozen and we celebrate by munging down on some bakery treats. Tenuous link? Maybe, Delicious? Definitely. This week we review Apple Danish, a pastie and an apple slice. Oh, and also Red Faction, Prototype, Fuel, Trash Panic, Bionic Commando and more Fallout DLC than you can point a stereotype at.
We also introduce a fun new segment "Douche of the Week"! Good times!
Our moose related picture was most generously provided to us by our amazing listener Adam aka Wr8h! Generous, AND a nice guy too! What a package!
On with the show.
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Rant Theory Podcast #13_ Don't hate the player... Edition
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Wait, what do you mean by "package"?
It's ok Metal, no need to get jealous
I think I figured it out with Prototype, it blew its load to quick ... I think that game with some nasal spray might have been better, I played it ... loved it ... and now I dont care anymore, I still probably have 4 hours of gameplay left and I am seriously considering trading it in and I started as a fan boy, and I dont dislike it, I loved it when I was playing it, however now I just have no desire left to play it.
To bad about the Magna, CROMAGNA MAN!!!
ok who did the cover of ace of spades? i have to know.
i think u need t oput up the playlist sumwhere
You wanted PC game suggestions?
Here it fuckin goes:
World in conflict
Company of Heroes
Hitman Blood Money[free on Gametap]
Psychonauts[free on Gametap]
World of Goo
Rainbow Six VEgas
Stalker:Shadow of Chenobyl
Call of Cthuluhu
Halflife2 Episodes
orange Box - Portal,Team fortress 2
Condemned:Criminal Origins
Trails 2
Starwars Republic Commando
You've probably played a few of these on Xbox. Hope this helps or just overwhelms you into inaction and insecurity :P welcome to TRUE gaming....just jokes
Suggestion for Douche of the week: All those who are currently boycotting Left 4 Dead 2, all 37,932of them. Douchebags who didn't give a company a chance to announce DLC, douchebags who seem to hate gaming excellence, douchebags who put 200hrs into a $60 game and want more for their money, douchebags who are gonna looks stupid when they buy L4D2 in November.
rant end;
Thanks guys,
I cant remember what Ace of Spades track I put up! Whoops :)
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