Sunday, November 11, 2007

Tom Nook is my mount

Animal Crossing Wii is going to be an MMO eh?

Tricky one. I had a lot of fun with Animal Crossing on the DS, it's cutesy pointlessness, endless collection and real world clock gave it an a powerful addictive quality.

The advantage the DS version had over it's Gamecube counterpart was the connectivity. I really dug venturing into other people's towns to get some sweet sweet foreign fruit. It's a really cool concept, but hanging out with two 13 year olds calling each other 'd00d', chasing each other with butterfly nets was not what I wanted from the experience. I scammed their fruit and I was out of there.

I didn't know anyone else with the game, so I jumped on the net, found a chat room, swapped friend codes, added them to my in game friends list, waited for them to open their gates and finally joined. Kind of a lot of work just to gank stuff from prepubescent Ninty fans.

So are Nintendo going to loosen their very strict 'protect the kiddies' policy and let us hook up with randoms? Or are they going to take it in a different direction and stray from the traditional Animal Crossing method?

My theory is Animal Crossing will take Sony's Home route. Each player will have a small town, but all town's are part of a larger world. To make it the 'MMO social network', you'd think there will need to be come kind of central hub. A capital city perhaps?

Either way, I'll be the one in the mad pirate hat, collecting shit, grinding for bells.

-Brother N-

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