Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The new Joker and why we should all be terrified.

Photo taken from Filmdrunk

Spotted this new pic of Heath Ledger's Joker from the upcoming Batman flick. All I can say is that this has reaffirmed my concerns about this new version of the classic Batman villain.

Batman Begins was a great movie, a fantastic effort that grabbed the retarded embarrassing George Clooney Batman out of the air and firmly planted them into reality, in the same way that Frank Miller did in Batman: Year one. Which is still one of my favorite comics by the way, if you haven't read it, git it.

What these two versions of Batman did is attempt to rationalise all of Batman's stupid shit. For example: Bat-a-rang grapple hook is now hardcore mountain climbing gear. Batmobile is now an experimental military vehicle. Why is he so tough? Ninjas got him high and beat the shit out of him. It all makes sense.

So if I liked all the things that Batman Begins did, why am I so afraid of the new Joker?

In comic book land, a clown who regularly kills people and laughs his ass off about it, is kind of played out. Homicidal clown=cough. Now try and put a real world Begins/Year one spin on it. Oh sweet mother of gumdrops, you have some serious fucking horror on your hands.

You can't make a real-life Joker without making him fucking terrifying. Tyler punching that blonde kid in the face terrifying.

Mark my words, you will not like this Joker, in the same way you liked the Jack Nicholson Joker.

-Brother N-

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