Monday, November 19, 2007

Why do I read reviews?

As per my usual week, I grabbed the new 1up show on Sunday and then subsequently the new 1up Yours podcast and enjoyed them both. I drive a lot for work, so I get ample time to listen to re-donk-ulously long podcasts.

The common thing they shared was this weeks big two, Mass Effect and Assassin's Creed. They both have a great way of reviewing games, where it feels like several friends, just talking about what they think. Which is great, IF I have played the game.

Not that 1up is super bad at spoilers or anything, any I feel like any information taken from a credible source tends to taint the pool a bit.

For example, a few months ago, Assassin's Creed was hotly anticipated. A public showing of the game exposed some bugs, which is embarrassing sure, but with months and months until release, who gives a fuck really. But it seemed to realty douse the enthusiasm. Only yesterday I was talking with someone about it and the first thing they said was 'I heard it was buggy'.

Public demos, reviews, previews, betas, fucking SCREENSHOTS, we the gaming public seem to eat it all up, regurgitate the sources opinion, with little to no questioning.

In a reaction to this, I have become self aware of my own ease of influence and now attempt to come at each game with as few preconceived ideas about a game as possible. But for a news junky, gaming press whore like myself, is this totally futile?

Are we so susceptible to influence that our opinion about a game can be changed by a skilled reviewer?

Take this for example: Fancy Pants restaurant, and some food buff tells you "This is the best meal you will ever eat". You switch off your critical brain and say "Yeah! this is the best!" Vise versa, "This food is rank and filled with microscopic germs" and all of a sudden you are on the fucking hunt for those bugs.

-brother n-

Xbox repair status: In a mail depot in NSW, waiting to be sent back to me. Joy.

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