Monday, August 4, 2008

BREAKING NEWS: FEMINISTS ANGRY AT SOMETHING is reporting on several Feminist bloggers who are upset with the new PSN title, Fat Princess. What's amusing to me about this isn't the completely predictable angry response, it's that there is a variable cornucopia of far worse female stereotypes present in games.

Case in point, Princess flipping Peach. Dumber than 10 bags of extra dumb hammers and easier to catch than herpes in St Kilda. Someone enjoying pastries is insulting but this shit is ok?

On that point, why the hell aren't I pissed off at the Gears of War team for portraying guys as neckless testicles in armour? We aren't all brave and massive you know! Some of us are lame!

This quote is perfect: "I'm positively thrilled to see such unyielding dedication to creating a new generation of fat-hating, heteronormative assholes"

Yeah, this is what's creating fat hatred. Aren't they fighting and dying to PROTECT her? It's not like they are fattening her up, loading her into a trebuchet and hurling her at the opposing castle.

That will come later as DLC.

-Brother N-

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