Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Neon is my bitch

The day I got my Xbox 360, I remember looking around my crowded lounge at my friends that had come to be wowed by its incredible visuals and saying "wow.....looks pretty good eh...?" and receiving a more than limp "yeah.....pretty good" in response.

Granted my 50cm standard def didn't do to much more the reasonably weak looking Saints Row, but they were right. What was the game that made me believe? Geometry Wars Retro Evolved.

So now Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 2 is out and man, I believe again. Its back, and this time its an even more of a frenetic glowing vector neon aneurysm, bursting all over your 1080p panel (amount of Ps in your panel may differ than that described)

So what's new this time? MODES! Yes, that's right, modes. Each one of these is unique in its own way and really changes up the gameplay. This is SO welcome for a game that can and will savagely punish you. After a nerve wracking pummelling, you can now just have a crack at something a little different with a different play mechanic, and that's more welcome than Nathan Fillion at an "I'm fucking awesome" convention.

-Brother N-

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