Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Not. Happy. Janet.

/Bioware announced their new KOTOR game with a swift kick to the nuts of all the original Xbox players. A PC only MMORPG.

Great. Thanks guys! Now I'm gonna either have to spend more dollars on a new PC/monthly subscriptions or just plain miss out. Way to support the original fans of the game! Lets just hope its worth forking out the cash for.

I have read that a console version is "under consideration" but that means dick all until they make an official announcement. Time will tell i guess.

In the meantime, I'm giving you all the chance to win the awesome prize of buying me a new PC. The lucky winner get my Paypal details and a dint in their savings account.

Mr Metal

1 comment:

Jon said...

Wow you're like the eBay of the gaming world - Paypal or nuts!