Tuesday, October 30, 2007

How does that make you feel?

After I finished playing through Portal, I started to wonder why I liked it so much. I mean, aside from it's much regaled brilliance.

It's an innovative, satisfying and downright hilarious game. We all know it.

But why did I like it? Gran Turismo is an incredibly well received series that I couldn't give three fucks about.

What does Portal do? It makes me feel smart. When I succeed in Portal, it's because I figured it out. That's some invigorating shit. I think this is where this is where this 'satisfaction' that I see repeated in the reviews.

Is that what is necessary for a game to 'get' you? An emotional response? What compels you to continue playing a game?
Fun? But what makes it fun?

Hmmmmmm...This one needs some thought.

-Brother N-

PS Live is down here tonight...How can I try out my Sniper/Pyro strategy?. Fail.

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