That's right folks. Rant Theory Podcast #8's "Saturday morning cartoon" tribute song to the wickedly fun PSN game "Super Sonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battle Cars" is now in the games XMB! We couldn't be more happy about how its turned out. If you don't have PS3, then we have prepared something for you below:
A HUGE thanks to Dave and the crew at Psyonix for giving us the opportunity to be a part of their awesome game. It really is a dream come true.
We will have a download link available very soon with an MP3 version of the song. Stay tuned!
Mr Metal
Hey man, this is Adam B :) From Psyonix ;) Freakin' awesome song man. Just curious what inspired you to make the song the way it is, besides the game of course. Like what bands are you into? I'm a big metal fan myself.
Hey Adam!
Thanks heaps dude, still cant believe how well its gone down with all the SSARPBC fans, not to mention yourselves!
I think the whole "rock/metal/glam" style suited the style of the game, not to mention that the title screams Saturday morning cartoon. I always remember shows like Ninja Turtles and M.A.S.K. having great themes and soundtrack. The first Transformers animated movie had the BEST one of all. "The Touch" could well be the greatest song ever written :)
Im a metal fan too, the new stuff and the classics, but i dig pretty much everything. Loving the new Killswitch Engage album at the moment. The new He Is Legend is pretty sweet too. What are you listening to at the moment? Do you have any recommendations?
If you get a chance, ive got one of my "real" tracks at:
Love to know what you think!
You actually kinda nailed some of the inspiration we had when it came to naming the game. Those Saturday morning cartoons somehow made sense to us as kids but when you look back on them now you can see how the concepts for them are all over the map. Our game is an unconventional idea which required an unconventional name, and is equally fitting of an awesome late-80's/early-90's cartoon theme song that rocks out.
It's definitely a big hit around the office, especially to those of us who listen to metal. Lately I've gotten back on an "As I Lay Dying" kick, as well as my all-time favorite, Zao. Throw in some Eluveitie and you've got the makings of a soundtrack for my workday. :)
I listened to some of your myspace music. Your metal music is amazing! I think I know what I'll be listening to tomorrow at work.
Thanks Eric, i really appreciate the kind words :)
I dont mind a bit of As I Lay Dying, saw them live at a metal festival here about 18 months ago. Very cool. Zao is a band i have been meaning to check out for a while too. Will definitely do so now. Eluveitie has now made it on the list too ;)
I've been listening to Zao since around 2000, maybe 2001. Seen them a few times in concert and they're just amazing. Eluveitie's song "Inis Mona" is what really attracted me to them.
Speaking of which, I point a New Zealand buddy of mine towards your Myspace page. He's going to be on the hunt for a CD of yours now once it comes out. Of course, that makes two of us now. ;)
Haha, awesome dude. Ill send you guys a copy when its finished :)
I'm really into Opeth, Katatonia, Freedom Call, Stratovarious, Sonata Arctica, Dream Theater... So many other bands. But those are probably at the top of my list. Another good band that you may like is Dark Tranquility, which I'm sure you have probably heard of.
Yeah, there is really too many to name isn't there? I have listened to 1 of Katatonias albums, same as Dark Tranquility. I dig them both. Ill have to check out the other bands you mentioned. Love getting new music to listen too.
One of my all time fav metal bands is Strapping Young Lad, but they have finished up now. Im a big fan of Devin Townsend's other projects though so there's no shortage of stuff to listen to from him. Ive also had a weird hankering to get some Dimmu Borgir lately. I have been hearing them randomly around the place and its just reminded me that they have some great songs :)
Nice! I love Strapping Young lad and Dimmu Borgir very much. I met Strapping Young Lad and got a shirt signed by them. Was really cool meeting Mr. Townsend.
Ah man, so jealous! Seen them a few times but never got to meet them.
Im pretty keen to see the new Fear Factory line up play. Or should i say Strapping Fear Young Factory Lad :)
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