Monday, January 19, 2009

Madworld gets Australian date. Wait......... What?

Well, I guess us Aussies will be getting the chance to check out the new ultra violent Wii game Madworld after all as its been given the OK for a March release. That's right. A game that was just branded 18+ in the UK will be sold on OZ shelves in less that 3 months.

Seriously OFLC, do ya even know what your looking for anymore? Or is it just games with the words "Grand", "Theft" and "Auto" in the title that need your finely tuned skills?

Maybe they thought it was a game based on that soothing but sombre Gary Jules tune of the same name. Maybe. Its an easy mistake to make if your a f'ing moron.

Mr Metal

PS. Its a funny old country we live in.

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