After seeing that custom textures can be used in LBP using the PSeye, I decided to pony up and buy one. This of course gave some evil little weasel over at Sony get his wings, and I knew it, but I am just so amped for LBP I just had to.
After checking the local Electronical Boutiquery, and then laughing, I decided to buy one from Hong Kong and be gouged half the price. Sent it ended up about $45. So here's the review.

It's a little camera! See!
So what's there to do out of the box? Not a fucking thing! Ok ok, not entirely true. You can download, FOR FREE, EyeCreate. Now, when I read this, I remembered those sweet Tank War tech demos from earlier this year, and thought that would probably be EyeCreate. Nope.
EyeCreate allows you to take video, shoot pictures record sound and make stop motion videos with the Pseye. Oh the technical wonders of the Playstation 3. Pretty lame milhouse.
The video looks ok, but nothing spectatular. The mic is pretty sensitive, but why I would want to record sounds in my lounge room, I don't know.
There are a couple of other things for you to download from the PSN. Mesmerize is one, which is a neat looking tech demo, for AU$5. that I am yet to buy....basically because I don't feel like I should. This stuff should really, really, REEEEEAALY come in the box. I don't care if it's cheap, just give it to me for buying your camera.
When I bought the Xbox Live Vision camera it came with UNO, a headset, some shitty arcade game and a month free of live. Granted it kind of sucks, but at least there is some rewards for picking one up.
I did however buy Tori-Emaki, which I would have to say is the finest gesture controlled bird/japanese painting simulator on the market. BY HEAPS.
Pretty though.
1 comment:
"the finest gesture controlled bird/japanese painting simulator on the market"
Thas a bold call son, a bold call
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