Lets cut to the chase. Fable II has me squarely by the man beans. I was expecting it to be good, but it's not. It's fucking fantastic.
It's exactly what I wanted, more Fable, better realised. It has depth, but it's like a shallow depth that is spread really wide. That made sense in my head. Moving on.
I had been crafting a character, with a rogue in mind. Do what I like, when I like. And that was working out just fine, until I shacked up with a wench, who promptly dumped me for 'Neglect' or some such shit. Who knew wives don't like neglect?
Bitter, I turned to a life of corrupt bastardry. I bought up most of the slums and jacked the rent and started earning a healthy income from my filthy real estate scam.
I then get a message from a friend, telling me that a friend had wandered up to him in game and given him...900 000 gold. My tiny pile shrivelled up with embarrassment.
The same friend found me in game some time later and asked me to meet him, telling me he had 'a little present for me'. I joined him in chat and after he explained that he had used the 'clock exploit', I told him 'no thanks, I'm right for gold'.
I turned down a million gold and he didn't even want to sleep with my (ex)wife.
So I'm playing as the most corrupt prick on the planet, but I turned down free money. Ironic, no?
I suppose that gesture extended beyond the game though, It's sort of a game breaker for me. Getting money is part of my fun, and if it was removed, it would take away the thrill of the chase and I would end up enjoying the game a lot less.
That must be how Paris Hilton feels.
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