Nathan, Chris and Adam put their heads in their hands and cry it all out. In a manly, biker kind of way. We hit on The Lost and the Damned, Noby Noby Boy, Street Fighter 4 and all manners of other good gear.
Get it directly in mp3 formature: Rant Theory Podcast #5: The weird and the frustrating
Stream it like crazy
Another good cast guys, gets me through my workday ! :P
One factual error though ... Omo who was the undefeated SF4 champ *ahem* ;)
Oh and Metal and Omo I blame you both for now wanting to see Dolph Lundgren as the punisher again damnit >.<
Great podcast guys, very enjoyable listen. It's nice to see more Aussie gaming podcasts out there.
You need to go off topic more; those are the most entertaining parts!
Cheers guys. Dan, I'm listening to Akimbo podcast right now, good stuff sirs!
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