So Brother N pointed out to me today that the Home Beta launches globally today, so there really is no need for me to give you a detailed review of Home's features as you will find out for yourselves in the coming hours................
That doesn't mean I'm not gonna talk about how fucking BOOOOORING it is. Man! I know its not a game but when you bring something like this out on an "entertainment console", forgive me for expecting a little entertainment. I mean, come on. Draughts?! Really? Is the Home universe set in the 40's? I mean it was sorta fun, but fun in the way that it is only fun because nothing else is fun at all. Like when your bored at work and you play minesweeper, or you miss the train so you play snake on you Nokia 3210. Listen to Brother N, Sony. Noone wants to play pool in a virtual world! We can do that at the local bar, and drink delicious drinks too.
One thing I thought was going to be kinda cool was the movie theatre which allows you to watch trailers for games and movies etc. Great idea, until they make you sit there watching a progress bar of your clip of choice download with no background download option. WOOOOO HOOOOO! Fun City Sony! More effing progress bars and another fine example of your achingly slow download speeds over PSN. Once it finally does download, rather than watch the clip in full screen, you have to watch it in a virtual movie screen complete with curtains and front row seats about half the size of our own screen. That's ok though because you can change it to full screen......... oh wait a minute..... NO YOU CAN'T! Good thing I have a reasonable size HDTV, too bad for anyone still using a smaller SD set though.
It does however sport pretty sweet looking visuals and a half decent physics engine which brings back the question, why waste it on draughts and pool? Do something entertaining with it like some over the top mini games we can play while we wait for noobpwner69 to get online so we can play....... something together. There is seriously more fun in LittleBigPlanet's Pod than there is in the WHOLE of Home.
So far.
With all that said, Home to me does have some possible potential, but its going to need a tonne of interesting and fun improvements if its to appeal to gamers. All they need is the FUN patch.
Mr Metal
ps. At least the character customization is good................. If you like looking like every-fucking-one else. Do not even get me started.
I got Home on mine after doing the update, it required software to download but decided not to after you r review, PSN Store will do for me thanks.
If you have nothing else better to do at all and your feeling REEEEEEALLY bored, then check it out. You might find the perfect cure for insomnia ;)
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