I did the hard yards. I spent the big dollars. I jumped on Google and found Gametraders.
Enter the Rant Theory Podcast review segment titled: "I REMEMBER THIS BEING FUN!" where we take an old game previously played and loved (or hated) by ourselves, in this case Smugglers Run: Warzones, and re-review it in today's standards. This will be the first game that we will tackle so keep an ear out for the podcast real soon. Hell, even I'M keen to know what i think of it now!
Thanks again to the crew at Gametraders Woodcroft for being awesome to deal with and not laughing at me for buying this game. They even sent me a little swag of purple Gametraders goodies. WOOT! Very happy, and i'll shop with them again. Hit 'em up at gametraders.com.au (Sorry in advance to my local EB peeps. I still have yo' back)
Now, if they could only track me down a copy of Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes......
Mr Metal
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