That's it! I caught every console pokemon of generation now.
The latest and last edition, the big-black-George Foreman grill-tanning bed PS3. Why now? Uhhhhh.....I don't really now. With the release of the new 80 gigger w/dual shock and the fact I just busted open my piggy bank (no, really) sent me over the edge. But my first few hours gave me that old familar twang of buyers remorse.
Buying no games really didn't help this. I had no Metal Gears to get all swept away with.
So I decide to set the thing up, download a bunch of demos and just get a feel for it. But of course it needs to update. No problem. It takes 45 slow minutes. Ok ok....no problem. Once I'm logged in, it's on to the Playstation Store to grab some of the PS3 goods I have missed.
A little while ago, I remember people being happy that the PS store had been redesigned. WHAT THE FUCK WAS IT LIKE BEFORE, because the one they have now is a fucking DOG to navigate. It's easy enough to move around in, but finding stuff is a real pain in the arse.
It segmented into really specific categories like 'platformers or 'racing games that include, but are not limited to, a red car'. When you find something you actually want you must do the following: Select the thing you want, then in a new page hit Download, then in a new list form hit download again, THEN ask the playstation if would be ok to dowload it in the background. ...WHY THE FUCK WOULDN'T I WANT TO DOWNLOAD IT IN THE BACKGROUND?? No, no, let me stare at the bar for a while! WOO! What an epic bar!! WEEE!! 3 percent! IT'S A PARTY!
Just when it seemed extemely grim....I saw a beakon in the form of an icon with a stupid button eyed grin...
I literally said out loud "Oh yeah!....I can play LittleBig on this thing! Sweet!"
And all my anger was gone.
October 30 please.
-Brother N
It knocks out the fat though, right?
I would say the best thing would be to check out screw attacks top 10 playstation 3 release titles to make yourself feel better... also i will be awesome when a member of your family comes round and borrows ALL of your 360 games (even the one he has) and scurries away with them like a giant gnat on a lino floor
Wow. PS3. Alright then.. I have one question...
Why the fuck would you get a PS3?
I'm sorry but the only appeal for a PS3 for me, is Metal Gear Solid 4.
Even then, you have to download 15 minutes of every hour (maybe exadurated a bit, but just trying to emphasise my hate for this japanese piece of shizer). I'm just an X360 lover at heart, lets fight.
1. The blue rays. I have a pimp tv and standard def dvds. Booo-urns.
3. LittleBigPlanet. Motherfucker. I love both art and games and this is both of them in a big love sandwich.
4. As Jazz mentioned, It does in fact knock out the fat.
5. Shut up.
Hey rolkus, You'll have to contend with another on that one, the PS3 is quite simply the best console around, the media capabilities are brilliant, and all with the USB thumb drives, "Hooray".
PS: Nice job with the picture, be sure to sign up for the PSN Store as I did (Motorstorm + Dual Shock = EPIC WIN All Round!).
Sure, Blu-Ray is on reason to get it, I mean it is a cheap player, but I just really expected more from it.
I grew fond of my original X-Box over my PS2, so the trend is just continuing.
As for media options, X360 has great ones, linking it to Windows and such and such (sure it's a fuck around to work in the first place).
P.S. Pain rules.
Rolk, i was the same when i first got my original Xbox. I even loved the old mammoth controllers (you remember that, right?) Been a convert ever since, always chose Xbox over PS when multi platform titles come out.
I too own a PS3 and apart from Metal Gear and Everybody's Golf (yes, thats right) its been the best Blu Ray player with PS3 capabilities i have ever owned.
All i can say is Little Big Planet will be worth the price of admission.
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