Tuesday, November 13, 2007


So as you can gather, My Xbox 360 is now officially dead.

I boxed it up yesterday and it's now crawling through the Australian mail system. So now I'm in the shitty predicament of being without my primary gaming console.

Day one was pretty effortless, I had a busy work day, got home late and didn't really think about it.
Day two, well, Its been less than fun. I had the whole day at home and now I'm starting to realise how much i relied on the damn thing. I have plenty of other gaming things, ds, ps2, Wii, but man, the 360 sure had a hold of me.

I was greeted with a giggly girlfriend with a copy the new Harry Potter flick...into the ps2 it goes...and boy does it look....fucking terrible. The ps2 is not loving the new tv.

And to make things worse I get a text message today from a friend to arrange some Team Fortress. It cut me deep.

I'm going to go try and relax with some methadone Zelda on the DS.

-Brother N-

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